Image D034 086 by Michael Pearcy

DLS Possible Boathouse Pictures > D034 086
General collection of Suggestions for use as display pictures in The Boathouse.
D034 086 
 Eton Dorney 31/07/12. Games Maker Gus McKechnie was also a torch bearer in Southampton. He brought his torch to the venue for visitors and spectators to hold.
D034 086 
 Eton Dorney 31/07/12. Games Maker Gus McKechnie was also a torch bearer in Southampton. He brought his torch to the venue for visitors and spectators to hold.
© Michael Pearcy Words&Pictures

Eton Dorney 31/07/12. Games Maker Gus McKechnie was also a

torch bearer in Southampton. He brought his torch to the venue for visitors and spectators to hold.

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